Monday, December 12, 2011

Final Blog Post

We're done!  We have survived and successfully completed all courses!  It feels great!

I appreciate the time and feedback from Mr. Garza after the mock interview.  It was a great learning experience.

This entire scholarly journey has been a great ride!  There have been smooth roads with great faculty and cohort members to collaborate with.  Through the rough roads, I learned the importance of patience, good communication, and integrity.  Now I sit at the end of the road, and I wouldn't change a thing!  Every aspect of the journey has prepared me to an effective leader.

I feel well prepared for the untraveled road ahead, thank you to my professors and collegues.  Sit down, buckle up, and hold on!


  1. It was a great experience! I feel like the learning has just begun and the adventure as well! Good luck and have a great break!

  2. Thanks for your comments and I look forward to seeing you walk across that stage in May!
