Doc Buchanan said in an interview in 1990 that, "Trust evolves when people know what is expected, receive support to do the expected, and then are given credit for having done so." Doc has also said, "give teachers the best materials and then stand back and cheer them on."
In establishing Clovis Unified School District, Doctor Floyd B. Buchanan knew that support was an important factor in building exemplary schools. Just as the authors of Leadership Connectors, Hensley and Burmeister, wrote "Effective leaders know that no matter where people work, they value support."
Support is a key component to establishing relationships of trust. As a GIS serving two elementary schools, I am working to show each staff member, student, parent, and community member that I desire to serve and support them. I don't want anyone to notice that I only at each site every other day. My goal is to support the teachers and staff at both sites every day no matter where I am. I try to spend the hours of 8:00am-3:00pm in the classrooms and out on campus. Much of my work can be done after 3:00pm, but I can't support teachers when they are not there. Each week I have a goal of every classroom, every week. Some days I have 3-4 hours of discipline and therefore am unable to get to every classroom. I gained valuable insight from the chapter on "Support" regarding being in classrooms more and seeing discipline decrease. Administrators are able to put out fires as they are out and about on campus. I can't wait to put this into action!
Carrie- I completely agree that the more visible administrators are, the less discipline issues to deal with. I love that you have goals set to be in the classrooms each day. It's tough some days, but I am certain teachers respect your efforts and know that you are supporting them.