Sunday, November 6, 2011

Face2Face Reflection

You are who you hire.  I strongly agree with that statement.  I enjoyed listening to the HR managers from Clovis, Sanger, and Visalia Unified School Districts.  Although each district is very different, I found many similarities in what they look for in a new hire and as well as in many "operational" areas.
I believe that their is a right fit for each new administrator.  A right fit in a district, as well as at a school site.  It is important to be patient and trust the interview panel, the site administration, and the district administration.  They know the site well and can best identify a good fit.  I interviewed for three GIS positions before getting the one I currently have.  I have also spoken with numerous administrators who said they interviewed several times before getting a position in administration.  It can be a challenge to be patient, but I feel it will pay off in the long run.
When the CADA members guided us through a few activities, I gained a new perspective on how to listen with respect.  I also learned more about how the school climate is developed by the activities on campus.  Even though it was a Friday night after a long week, I could have sat and listened and learned for hours!
Dr. Terry Bradley's presentation on school finance was incredible!  I learned so much that can help me in my job right now.  From the history of different propositions and court rulings, to the components of a budget, I have a lot to do on Monday in the office.  Dr. Bradley was able to clarify many areas of school finance that I had questions on.  For example, revenue limit and unrestricted revenue.  I feel much more confident as we prepare to pass a bond in Clovis.  Another weekend of valuable information - thank you Dr. Buster, Dr. Wise, and Dr. Darrow!


  1. I'll never forget meeting one of my favorite ex-student (a Clovis teacher) who went through 13 interviews. We met and talked and she was completely discouraged. I told her that it was all about fit. She got an admin. job a few months later...

  2. Carrie- I totally believe that it's more important o be a good "fit" than it is to get the position. Patience and perseverance will eventually lead to the perfect "fit". I know that I want to continue enjoying my job everyday- and this is the key!
