Sunday, October 30, 2011

Leadership Connectors - Putting it all Together

Relationships.  It is all about relationships.  Relationships with teachers, classified staff, parents, students, members of the community, and colleagues.  The key to all 6 leadership connectors is relationships.  In the relationships that I build, I must ensure effective, clear communication; provide support; ensure safety; be competent in my abilities; maintain continuous renewal; and ensure trust.

I absolutely love my new position as a GIS and the opportunities that I have to build more relationships.  I feel that in my administrative role I have more exposure to parents, students, and community members.  I feel that every opportunity I have out on campus, in the classrooms, and while attending co-curricular events is another opportunity to establish and build relationships. 

I know that I will make mistakes along the journey as an administrator, but it's what how I respond to the mistakes and what I learn from them that will make a difference.  It's not that I set out to make mistakes, but I see mistakes as a necessary part of learning.  I want to improve and I want to grow.  From my mistakes I can do that.


  1. I think the greatest part of our job as educators in general, is the opportunity to establish relationships with people of all different walks of life. From the students in the classroom or on campus, their parents, our peers, our leaders, and our leaders above them - we are a part of their lives and they, ours! When I reflect back on the number of families I've been a part of over the last 17 years, I feel blessed! To have a career like ours is one that can't be matched! We have the power to effect people's lives- and like you, I want that be a positive one!

  2. It is all about relationships! Relationships are the most essential element in human interactions. It is a difficult task to create and maintain meaningful relationships but it is definitely rewarding :)

  3. Hey carrie, I hope you don't mind that I'm posting but my group is slacking. I agree, leadership is all about relationships. Glad to hear you are having a positive experience as a GIS.

  4. Leadership is about serving others and you are so doing this! Building relationships and getting to know the stories of those we encounter make for at ring bonds, deep understanding and the ability to make a difference! Keep up the good work Carrie!
