Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Face2Face Reflection

As a new administrator, I found the presentations this weekend to be extremely valuable.  Roberta Rowe's presentation provided information on student discipline.  I appreciated the bound copy of information.  There are things I have encountered, such as cyber bullying, and it was nice to gain legal information on the subject.  At times employees may be hired to a position with little experience, although qualified, and are asked to sink or swim.  I feel that with what I learned from Ms. Rowe, I can swim in any position requiring discipline of a student or employee.

Dr. Hauser started our class Saturday morning with enthusiasm and energy.  I absolutely loved listening to her!  The presentation, the activities, and the discussions were great ways to model an effective meeting.  Not only did I learn a lot from her, I enjoyed myself and time flew by!  One "Ah ha" moment for me was that I should spend more time planning the meeting than the meeting itself will last.  I love that! I also took pictures of a few posters created by my peers - everyone did a great job!

Dr. Torosian's presentation was insightful.  At one of my school sites, I feel consumed by discipline.  It was wonderful to receive a thorough explanation of the education code as it relates to student discipline.  More than that, I appreciated his attitude towards modifying student behavior.  Our goal is not to suspend or expel students, our goal is to change the negative behavior.  What are we doing to change the behavior?

I feel it's important to remind students that the poor choice they made does not define their character.  It's how the respond to the situation and what they do next.  I want students to know that I believe they are not bad kids, they may have made a bad choice, but that does not mean they are bad.  I want them to learn from experience and grow in a positive direction - that shows great character!

EAD 269 has provided me with valuable information that will guide me as a new administrator.  I appreciate the time that each of our presenters gave - as well as giving up a Friday night or Saturday.  With everything I learned, I didn't mind sitting in class on a weekend.  Thank you to Dr. Buster, Dr. Wise and Dr. Darrow!

1 comment:

  1. I agree, Carrie. Put into a position with little knowledge on student discipline is quite overwhelming. I feel confident that referring to the Ed code and documenting everything will provide enough evidence to validate consequences.
